“Michelle is an incredibly gifted soul who is extremely present and thoughtful. She was able to connect with my beautiful aunt during a very difficult, transitional time. She helped guide her in a positive and reflective way, while directing her energy in a mindful manner. We appreciate her kindness”
Dorey Carberry - Photographer, DE

"Michelle is a powerful and generous healer who uses her unique abilities to help others release compounded traumas and past suffering —  and pivot towards a path of light". 
Julie Loffredi -Journalist

“Michelle had a very positive affect on my loved one who she did a reading for. She’s amazing, very intuitive, and gave a lot of peace to my loved one. She has a spiritual presence and we are so grateful that she shares her gift with those in need.”
Kesa Nomiyama - Nurse, OR

"Michelle Macera is a gifted healer. She encompasses many different modalities to help you through challenges of the spiritual and/or physical nature. One session can work absolute wonders if you trust yourself and the process with her. She has helped me gain new perspectives on old situations in order to move past them and find peace. I always feel lighter after a session with her. She is truly gifted in this field". 
Joanne Doyle - Teacher of High School English, Theater, Meditation, and Mindfulness.  

"Before a session even begins, the work is already underway. Michelle has a knack for identifying and clearing our mental, emotional, and energetic roadblocks. This important work makes room for brighter, happier, and more peaceful beings. Clients will appreciate her empathy, kindness, and loving spirit as they embark on their own journey towards a more fulfilling and beautiful life".
Julie Loffredi -Journalist

"I’ve had several sessions with Michelle for chronic anxiety which has changed me tremendously in many ways. I no longer feel anxious on a daily basis and when it does surface I have new tools to help it pass quickly. I am so grateful for her work"!
Sharon- Teacher 

"Her compassionate and brave approach to natural healing emerged from her own brave personal journey to self-discovery. Michelle generously offers her valuable gifts of shamanism, visionary power, and sharp intuition to bring out the light in all of us".
Julie Loffredi -Journalist

"Michelle helped me get passed an old relationship I was stuck on and unable to move on from". 
Greg B - Veterinarian

"She is a dedicated and treasured world-renowned healer and is highly recommended".
Julie Loffredi -Journalist

"Michelle’s sessions are transforming. During our session I could feel subtle movements happening in my body and felt such a sense of calm. Later, I realized the effects were very powerful and life-changing. I am so thankful for Michelle’s work and the positive powerful transformation I experienced".
Valerie Perron -LCMT 


A Co-created safe space for you to make life changing shifts
I’m here to assist You in the process of unveiling your true authentic self. Together we take this journey, deepening your inner connection to your light and presence.

Each session is as unique as you are existing in the present moment.  These powerful and transforming sessions go directly to the heart of issues, holding you in patterns not serving your highest best.

The healing process typically begins the moment you book your session and continues on after for a period of integration. You may feel drawn towards a specific type of work that will lay the foundation for the session, or you may just come to your healing session with specific life issues that need addressing. Healing will transmit through which ever sacred modality is in alignment with your highest best. 

The healing process activates your own inner healer connected to your Higher Divine potential. This potential holds the infinite wisdom for healing and alignment. All that’s required is your open and willingness to move through your density to lightness. Show up for yourself and the greater part of you will show up too!

During the session you may feels emotions rise to the surface to be released. Some people feel sensations in their body, and energy moving through. After a session people feel a sense of lightness in themselves as dense energies have cleared. A clearer perspective and insight will present itself and your ability to choose better perspectives will be available. You may feel more fulfilled, aligned, joyful, balanced, energized and empowered. Many clients have experienced feelings of inner peace, a renewed sense of purpose, and feelings of being more fully present within their own body. A new sense of wholeness may reveal itself within you. 

Take the courageous journey of choosing you, saying yes to transformation and empowering yourself as the creator of your life! 
In-person sessions $150/Hr Cranston Rhode Island
Virtual sessions $100/Hr USA Eastern Time Zone

Sacred Healing Sessions

Chakra Balancing

Ancient Feminine Wisdom

Emotional Wound Healing

Removing Cord Attachment

Soul Retrevial

Transcending the Veil